I provide affordable acupuncture treatments in Lincoln to manage physical and mental health and pain-related conditions as well as most other health and medical needs. My Lincoln acupuncture practice is easily accessible to the surrounding areas such as North Hykeham, Welton, Nettleham, Waddington and Washingborough. I believe that acupuncture should be for everyone and every treatment I provide should be of the highest standard.
My Lincoln acupuncture clinic was established in 2016 after graduating from the University of Lincoln with First Class Honours. Bachelor of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. I am member of the British Acupuncture Association who only allow their members to be trained to the highest standard with all members having at least three years of degree training in acupuncture.
Within my Lincoln acupuncture practice I ensure that you are supported not only in the treatment room but also have access to ongoing advice and support for improving your pain, health and medical well-being.
I regularly update my acupuncture and therapy skills to ensure my patients receive the best treatment they can from me. Since setting up my Lincoln acupuncture practice the majority of my work has been for pain management, with a special interest in neuropathic pain.
I have recently completed a Diploma in Tendon Acupuncture so I can now specialise in recovery from sport injuries as well as post-operative recovery and I have also updated my massage skills with Deep Tissue Massage to target specific areas of pain in the body.