Treatments for health conditions & pain management may include Electro acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture, Gua sha and Cupping Therapy when relevant and at no extra cost
Appointment up to 1 hour 30 minutes
45-60 minute treatment for ongoing healthcare & pain management
Pre-arranged by the acupuncturist for ongoing healthcare & pain management
Specialist treatment for recovery from sprains, post operative tendon repair, injuries to Achilles Tendon. Tendonitis, Tendon injuries to shoulders, elbows and knees. Electro acupuncture may be used during a treatment.
One and half hour treatment
One hour treatment
Pre-arranged by your acupuncturist for continuing rehabilitation
Relaxing treatment for muscle and tension relief.
30 minute treatment
Deep Massage movements to target inner layers of muscles and connective tissue on areas prone to pain.
30-45 minutes
Relaxing tailor-made treatment for your healthcare needs. 45 minute treatment
Scalp, neck & facial massage, beneficial for stress, headaches & migraine relief. 30 minute treatment