Acupuncture is one of the longest and established forms of healthcare in the world. The focus of the acupuncture is on the individual. Treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to help resolve the problem from the root cause and restore the body back into balance. Acupuncture is one of the safest medical treatments (British Medical Journal 2001).
Acupuncture in Lincoln can be used to treat many conditions such as;
Knee pain
Back pain
Sport Injuries including Achilles tendon repair
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Shoulder pain including Frozen Shoulder
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Recovery from Injury
Post-operative recovery
Neurological conditions including
Multiple Sclerosis
Menstrual problems
Difficulty in conceiving both male and female
IVF/ assisted reproduction support
Peri Menopause & Menopausal symptoms
Hot Flushes
Long Covid
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Migraine and Cluster Headaches
Anxiety and Stress
Hay fever and Allergy relief
Safety notice; Traditional acupuncturists are trained to the highest standard with a minimum of three year degree training in acupuncture. Please ensure if you are thinking about having an acupuncture treatment to make sure your practitioner has this high standard of training so you can be sure that you will have a safe and effective treatment.
Electroacupuncture (EA); needles are inserted by hand but are then attached to a device that generates an electrical current that causes stimulation of the needles. This can be used for many pain conditions such as
Frozen shoulder, Back Pain, Knee pain and Shoulder pain. The treatment is not painful but feels a little stronger than a regular acupuncture treatment.
Electro acupuncture can also be used for neurological conditions with its affect being useful for sensory and motor problems in conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Post-Stroke recovery.
Cupping therapy is similar to massage in which it can help improve stagnant lymph and blood flow. Cupping works to create a vacuum inside the cup whilst it is on the skin. This vacuum is created by using heat from a flame; known as Fire Cupping or by placing a small plastic cup onto the skin and using a hand pump to create the vacuum.
Cupping Therapy can be effective for many conditions such as menopausal hot flushes, shoulder pain, back pain including sciatic pain, frozen shoulder and recovery after tendon or ligament injuries or after an injury or sprain.
Gua sha is a method in which a trained professional uses a smooth-edged tool to apply smooth, firm strokes onto the skin. This motion raises small, red dots called petechiae to the surface of the skin. Gua sha can be incredibly effective in treating chronic pain in the body such as back pain and shoulder pain and is mostly used alongside acupuncture.
Tendon acupuncture is a specialised treatment to help to relieve pain and increase circulation and collagen repair to and around the tendon. This in turn speeds up the healing process, reduces pain and swelling. Electro acupuncture is often used during a treatment.
Tendon acupuncture can be used to treat painful conditions such as Tendonitis, Achilles tendon problems, knee and shoulder conditions, sprains as well as post-operative recovery.
The effects of massage are widely-known particularly for your physical and mental health by reducing stress and increasing relaxation. It can help to reduce pain, muscle soreness and improve lymph drainage and circulation.
Reflexology is an ancient treatment which stimulates the nerve endings on the feet to help the body to heal itself by improving circulation, reducing stress, anxiety, pain and restoring a natural balance.